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computeA(double[], double[]) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the y-intercept of the least-squares regression line (LSRL) equation, in a double format.
computeB(double[], double[]) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the slope of the least-squares regression line (LSRL) equation, in a double format.
computeBinomialCdfProb(int, int, int, double) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the binomial probability of an interval of x-values, in a double format.
computeBinomialPdfProb(int, int, double) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the binomial probability of a single x-value, in a double format.
computeChiSquareCDF(double, double, int) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the area (probability) under the chi-square function between 2 chi-square values.
computeChiSquareGOFTest(double[], double[], double) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the final decision and p-value of the chi-square goodness of fit (GOF) test.
computeChiSquarePDF(double, int) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the output of the chi-square function when provided a chi-square value and the degrees of freedom.
computeChiSquareTwoWayTest(double[][], double) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the final decision and p-value of a two-way chi-square test.
computeColumnProduct(double[][], int) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the product of the elements of a column in a 2D array (0-based index), as a double format.
computeColumnSum(double[][], int) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the sum of the elements of a column in a 2D array (0-based index), as a double format.
computeCombinations(int, int) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the number of combinations (in int format) possible when given the n-value and r-value (with respect to the format: nCr).
computeDiscreteExpectedValue(double[], double[]) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the expected value of a discrete random variable, in a double format.
computeDiscreteStandardDeviation(double[], double[]) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the standard deviation of a discrete random variable, in a double format.
computeDiscreteVariance(double[], double[]) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the variance of a discrete random variable, in a double format.
computeFactorial(int) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the factorial (in int format) of an int.
computeGammaFunction(double) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the an approximation of the gamma function when given an input.
computeGeometricCdfProb(double, int, int) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the geometric probability of an interval of x-values, in a double format.
computeGeometricPdfProb(int, double) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the geometric probability of a single x-value, in a double format.
computeInverseNormalApprox(double) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the corresponding z-score with respect to the left area under the probability density function (for normal distributions).
computeIQR(double[]) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the interquartile range (IQR) of a double array, in a double format.
computeLinRegTTestNegativeSlope(double[], double[], double) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the final decision and p-value of a linear regression t-test.
computeLinRegTTestPositiveSlope(double[], double[], double) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the final decision and p-value of a linear regression t-test.
computeLinRegTTestUnequalSlope(double[], double[], double) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the final decision and p-value of a linear regression t-test.
computeLSRLOutput(double[], double[], double) - Static method in class VStats
Returns a double which represents the predicted y-value (ŷ) when an x-value is inputted into the least-squares regression line (LSRL).
computeMAD(double[]) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the mean absolute deviation (MAD) of a double array, in a double format.
computeMatrixAddition(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class VStats
Returns a double 2D array containing the sum of the 2 parameter matrices (2D arrays).
computeMatrixMultiplicationByScalar(double[][], double) - Static method in class VStats
Returns a double 2D array containing the product of a matrix and a scalar.
computeMatrixSubtraction(double[][], double[][]) - Static method in class VStats
Returns a double 2D array containing the difference of the 2 parameter matrices (2D arrays).
computeMaximum(double[]) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the maximum value of a double array, in a double format.
computeMean(double[]) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the mean (average) of a double array, in a double format.
computeMedian(double[]) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the median (second quartile) of a double array, in a double format.
computeMinimum(double[]) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the minimum value of a double array, in a double format.
computeMode(double[]) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the mode (most occurring value) of a double array, in a double format.
computeNormalPDF(double) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the output (in a double format) of the probability density function (for normal distributions).
computeOneMeanTTestHaGreaterThanValue(double, double, double, int, double) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the final decision and p-value of a significance test, utilizing the t-distribution.
computeOneMeanTTestHaLessThanValue(double, double, double, int, double) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the final decision and p-value of a significance test, utilizing the t-distribution.
computeOneMeanTTestHaNotEqualToValue(double, double, double, int, double) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the final decision and p-value of a significance test, utilizing the t-distribution.
computeOneMeanZConfInt(double, double, int, double) - Static method in class VStats
Returns a String which represents the confidence interval for a single mean, making use of the z-distribution.
computeOneMeanZTestHaGreaterThanValue(double, double, double, int, double) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the final decision (a String) of the significance test for a single mean, utilizing the z-distribution.
computeOneMeanZTestHaLessThanValue(double, double, double, int, double) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the final decision (a String) of the significance test for a single mean, utilizing the z-distribution.
computeOneMeanZTestHaNotEqualToValue(double, double, double, int, double) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the final decision (a String) of the significance test for a single mean, utilizing the z-distribution.
computeOnePropZConfInt(double, int, double) - Static method in class VStats
Returns a String which represents the confidence interval for estimating a single population proportion.
computeOnePropZTestP0GreaterThanValue(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the final decision (a String) of the significance test for a single proportion, utilizing the z-distribution.
computeOnePropZTestP0LessThanValue(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the final decision (a String) of the significance test for a single proportion, utilizing the z-distribution.
computeOnePropZTestP0NotEqualToValue(double, double, double, double) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the final decision (a String) of the significance test for a single proportion, utilizing the z-distribution.
computeOutliers(double[]) - Static method in class VStats
Returns a double ArrayList containing any possible outliers in a double array.
computePermutations(int, int) - Static method in class VStats
Returns an int which represents the number of possible permutations, when the inputs are the n-value and the r-value.
computeQuartile1(double[]) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the first quartile of a double array, in a double format.
computeQuartile3(double[]) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the third quartile of a double array, in a double format.
computeR(double[], double[]) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the correlation coefficient (r-value) of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables, in a double format.
computeRange(double[]) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the range (maximum value - minimum value) of a double array, in a double format.
computeResidualValues(double[], double[]) - Static method in class VStats
Returns a double array containing the residual values.
computeRowProduct(double[][], int) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the product of the elements of a row in a 2D array (0-based index), as a double format.
computeRowSum(double[][], int) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the sum of the elements of a row in a 2D array (0-based index), as a double format.
computeRSquared(double[], double[]) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the r^2-value of the relationship between the independent and dependent variables, in a double format.
computeSe(double[], double[]) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the standard error (Se) of the residuals, in a double format.
computeSeb(double[], double[]) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the standard error of the slope.
computeStandardDeviation(double[]) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the standard deviation of a double array, in a double format.
computeSumOfResidualsSquared(double[], double[]) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the sum of the residuals squared, in a double format.
computeSumValues(double[]) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the sum of the values of a double array, in a double format.
computeTCDF(double, double, int) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the area (probability) under the t-distribution function between two t-values.
computeTPDF(double, int) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the output of the Student's t-distribution function when given the input value and degrees of freedom.
computeTwoPropZTestP1GreaterThanP2(int, int, int, int, double) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the final decision (a String) of the significance test for 2 proportions, utilizing the z-distribution.
computeTwoPropZTestP1LessThanP2(int, int, int, int, double) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the final decision (a String) of the significance test for 2 proportions, utilizing the z-distribution.
computeTwoPropZTestP1NotEqualToP2(int, int, int, int, double) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the final decision (a String) of the significance test for 2 proportions, utilizing the z-distribution.
computeVariance(double[]) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the variance of a double array, in a double format.
computeYPredictedValues(double[], double[]) - Static method in class VStats
Returns a double array containing the predicted y-values (ŷ).
computeZProbAvgLeftRightRiemann(double, double) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the (highly accurate) probability approximation between two z-scores for the probability density function (for normal distributions) using the average of a left-endpoint & right-endpoint Riemann sum.
computeZProbLeftRiemann(double, double) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the (highly accurate) probability approximation between two z-scores for the probability density function (for normal distributions) using a left-endpoint Riemann sum.
computeZProbMidpointRiemann(double, double) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the probability approximation between two z-scores for the probability density function (for normal distributions) using a midpoint Riemann sum (accurate to about 6 decimal places).
computeZProbRightRiemann(double, double) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the (highly accurate) probability approximation between two z-scores for the probability density function (for normal distributions) using a right-endpoint Riemann sum.
computeZProbTrapezoidRiemann(double, double) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the probability approximation between two z-scores for the probability density function (for normal distributions) using a trapezoidal Riemann sum.
computeZStar(double) - Static method in class VStats
Returns a double which represents the z-star (z-critical) value when a confidence level is inputted.


displayLSRLEquation(double[], double[]) - Static method in class VStats
Returns the least-squares regression line (LSRL) equation, in a String format.


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