Saving Wasted Food

A chance to truly help the hungry…

One day, I was browsing on YouTube and came across a documentary of the name, “Just Eat It” (linked here), and I was curious to know what it was exactly about. So, I watched it, and learnt that literally TONS of food are being wasted all the time by supermarkets, just because they don’t look aesthetically pleasing.


As a high school student, I became aware that colleges encourage students to have a certain number of hours completed as volunteering for society. Soon, I came to know of an organization local to me, Feeding San Diego, which essentially sorts and distributes the produce thrown by the supermarkets, to those in need. Today was my first day, and I helped make bags for the vegetables to be put into.


During my time at the Feeding San Diego facility, I also learnt that it’s not only the poor who are in great need of food. A large portion of the people who the food is delivered to include military families, and other employed people.


Inside the facility

After hearing all the horror stories about how approximately half a million people in San Diego are currently starving, I knew that what I was doing was for the good of someone else. Even if all I’m doing is just making bags, I know that I am part of that journey to eradicate hunger.