11 May 2022 Documentation for VStats Another update on VStats! I finally decided to make VStats a Java statistics library. After experimenting with web implementations and apps, I realized that making a library would be the most viable option for users. So, here’s an update on where I’m at. I have all the methods ready for the initial release, so I’m currently working on writing documentation for the library using Javadoc. Writing documentation for a library is incredibly important, as it allows users of the library to understand the funcionalities of each and every method. For instance, here is the rendering of the documentation I wrote for a particular method (in VS Code): I’ve made all the methods in the VStats class static, so users can directly call the methods on the class, without having to create VStats objects. This is similar to how the Java Math library works. So, after I complete writing documentation for the methods I have, I will release the initial version (v$1.0$) of the library to the public. For v$1.01$, I plan to add code for $2$-sample mean and proportion confidence interval & significance test. Subscribe to CaptMD-11 Get the latest posts delivered right to your inbox Subscribe