How I Write Mathematical Formulas

Why I use $\rm\LaTeX$!

If you’ve seen some of my previous posts about different concepts in statistics, I provide mathematical formulas to illustrate certain ideas. I use a software called $\rm\LaTeX$, which allows me to accomplish this by writing some basic code.

I actually use this neat online $\rm\LaTeX$ editor, which allows me to directly copy over the output formula to my computer.

For instance, suppose I wanted to write the probability density function, as shown here:


All I have to do is write the code that will generate the formula, and I’m done! Here is the code itself:

f(x) = \frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2\pi}}e^{-\frac{1}{2}(\frac{x-\mu}{\sigma})^2}

$\rm\LaTeX$ can also be used to write formal research papers and even textbooks.

The syntax for the $\rm\LaTeX$ language is very simple & intuitive, which makes it very easy for people to learn. Thus, I would highly recommend this software, even if you are new to writing code. Here is the download link to install on your computer if you’re interested.